FP7-COMCIS Report Summary (CORE3010)

Summary: This review on reference project focuses on: COMCIS (Collaborative Information Services for Container Management), which was an EU research project focusing on facilitating the development of interoperable communication channels between businesses and authorities, with the use of electronic messages and state-of-the-art communication infrastructure. An important infrastructural component of the COMCIS unified interoperability layer is the Single Point Data Interchange (SPDI) component. The author of the review is Konstantinos Vasileiou, ILS. Document coding in CORE e-library is CORE3010. More information on the project at: http://www.comcis.eu/

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Project outcomes of relevance for CORE:

The Singe Point Data Interchange: This component was used in COMCIS to accomplish the Data Aggregation and Consolidation objectives of COMCIS. The Single Point Data Interchange (SPDI) component allows the data interchange among the various users, on top of the interoperability layer infrastructure, in a controlled and centralised way. The core of the SPDI component is the Data Model with the relevant Business Rules, applicable for the specific business domain. The SPDI is communicating with external systems through exposed web services. The communication with the relevant authorities is established with the use of an Access Point – specifically BE Customs Access Point, for the COMSIS instance of the component (see also EcoHubs: Access Points). The SDPI aggregates (see Figure on the right: Data aggregation and consolidation in COMCIS):

  • ENS filling from Carrier.
  • ENS filling from Forwarder.
  • SDMF CSD (Container Security Device) messages from the containers of the cargo.
  • AEO status from online database (could be also an off-line, local Customs database).

The consolidated results are then presented to the user in an intuitive way through a Dashboard. This implementation can be extended to accommodate the needs of the CORE stakeholders, integrating various sources of structured and unstructured data that the supply chain actors provide, which are then aggregated and integrated from the SPDI component, providing maximum visibility over the supply chain.

Web-site: http://www.comcis.eu/


FP7-COMCIS Resumen del informe (CORE3010)

Resumen: Este comentario del proyecto de referencia se centra en: COMCIS (Servicios de Información de Colaboración para la Gestión de Contenedores), que era un proyecto de investigación de la UE que se centra en facilitar el desarrollo de canales de comunicación interoperables entre las empresas y las autoridades, con el uso de mensajes electrónicos y la infraestructura de comunicación más modernarea de ﷽﷽﷽en la biblioteca-r lasinspeccioficinal de las autoridades aduaneras de la UEr. Un componente importante de la infraestructura de la capa unificada interoperable de la COMCIS es el componente del Single Point Data Interchange (SPDI). El autor de la revisión es Konstantinos Vasileiou, ILS. La codificación del documentos en la biblioteca electrónica CORE es CORE3010. Más información sobre el proyecto en: http://www.comcis.eu/
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