Section B – Security guidance for the truck drivers | Chapter 1

General security

The first chapter of this guidebook highlights some 20 key advise to minimize the risk of security incidents with thieves, stowaways or terrorists, in the freight transport sector. By following systematically these advice, you should be able to avoid already more than 50% of potential security problems, while carrying out the important work in the European and global logistics chains:

Secure your vehicle and cargo, according to the company security policies and instructions.

  • Be fully aware and familiar with your company overall security and customer level (shipment) obligations to secure your truck and cargo.
  • Be fully competent on all security features and devices within your truck including:
    • the panic alarm,
    • vehicle immobilizer,
    • telematics,
    • locks and seals; and,
    • tracking devices.

Conduct visual checks around the truck, before departure and upon arrival.

  • Always make sure that your vehicle is physically fit for purpose prior to commencing any journey, by conducting a visual check of the tractor and the trailer, verifying that the cargo contained within is secured and that there are no obvious mechanical anomalies.
  • Check for evidence of damage, tampering or unauthorized access attempts after every stop to verify that the load is safe from theft or stowaways.

Communicate revised journey plans or changing situations with the back office.

  • Never change the route of your planned journey unless absolutely necessary.
  • In case you are required to revise your planned route due to unforeseen circumstances, including force majeure, always inform your back office in a proactive manner.

Do not change your delivery address without approval from the back office.

  • The delivery address of your shipment is provided to you by your company / back office at the commencement of the journey.
  • Under no circumstances should your delivery address be changed during transit unless this is directly communicated to you by your company / back office.

Do not communicate route or load details publicly, across social media or to persons unknown to you.

  • Do not communicate or announce any aspect of your client, route, cargo, or destination across social media, radio or in any public place.
  • Criminals and thieves may be monitoring social media and radio communications in order to opportunistically target the loads.

Use only pre-approved, well-lit parking lots.

  • As a minimum, use only well-lit and well-established parking areas, which are often highly frequented motor services stations used by other truck drivers along main routes.

Keep your mobile phone fully charged, with important phone numbers stored in it.

  • Always know in advance the phone numbers of who to contact in the case of a security incident or emergency along your route.
  • Make sure you know how to contact and coordinate with local police if a crime occurs.

Keep doors locked and windows closed.

  • Ensure you keep doors locked and windows closed at all times while driving or stopped so that thieves, stowaways or terrorists will not have an easy entry into your cabin to compromise your safety and security – whether you are driving or while stopped.

Keep your truck keys secure and always with you.

  • Take care to secure your truck keys at all times; never leave them unattended or for them to be easily identified and associated with your truck.

Keep your ID cards and wallet secure and out of sight.

  • Ensure that your ID and wallet are safe and secure at all times so that thieves and stowaways cannot steal your ID and/or money, thereby compromising your journey and shipment.

Do not leave freight documents visible in your truck / cabin.

  • Ensure that your freight documents are safe and secure so that thieves cannot identify the contents of your load.

Be aware that thieves might be breaking into your truck while moving.

  • Be mindful of any slow-moving vehicles positioning themselves in front of your truck to cause you to reduce your speed.
  • Cargo thieves are also known to break into trucks and steal cargo even when driving full speed on a motorway.

Be aware of the risk of attempts to deceive you [such as bogus police and staged accidents, and the risk of fake documents and bogus warehouse workers].

  • Always be alert to the risk of bogus police or staged accidents
  • Verify the bona fide of the police by requesting their ID while still in the cabin.
  • In the case of an obvious staged accident, drive to the closest secure parking location, notify your back office and police authorities to validate the situation.
  • Your cargo may be at risk due to deception associated with fake documents and bogus warehouse workers who may deceive you to hand over your shipment at unmarked premises, typically near the delivery location.

Be wary of stopping, giving lifts to or accepting offers from anyone you do not know.

  • Do not be targeted by unknown persons to you who may attempt to stop and befriend you as part of their ploy to rob you.
  • Do not stop or give lifts to anyone you do not know.
  • Similarly, do not accept drinks or food from unknown persons who may be surreptitiously trying to drug you so as to steal your cargo.

Inform the authorities and the management of any security incidents immediately.

  • All security issues and incidents related to the integrity of your vehicle and/or cargo should be immediately reported to the local police and to your back office.

At all times, stay safe and secure, while avoiding being provoked into confrontations.

  • Do not be antagonized or provoked into confrontational situations by thieves or stowaways as these situations may undermine your safety.

At all times, comply with local laws and regulations, including transport safety and personal safety.

  • It is imperative that your personal safety and the integrity of your cargo are foremost in your mind during your journey. This can be achieved by complying with local laws and regulations.