Section B. Truck driver full guidebook
As a driver, you are a potential target for criminals who want to steal your cargo; stoways who want to cross borders hiding in your truck; and possibly terrorists who may to exploit your vehicle and/or load for acts of terror. This guidance serves to protect you, your truck and your cargo. You are encouraged to adhere to these good security practices as part of your routine from when pick-up your shipment to when you finally delivery it.
The diagram above visualizes the 1 + 9 chapters of this guidebook: first chapter on general security applying across all journey phases, and chapters 2-10 on specific advice per journey and situational phases.
Chapter 1. General security
Chapter 2. Preparation
Chapter 3. Pick-up
Chapter 4. Driving
Chapter 5. Stopovers
Chapter 6. Control zones
Chapter 7. Forced stops
Chapter 8. Change in journey plan
Chapter 9. Crime suspicion or incident
Chapter 10. Delivery
Chapter 11. References